Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Reader Response 1: Huck Finn 1-6

My theme that I chose from "The Adventures of Huck Finn " was the relationship to parents. The quote that I found was from pap, who was yelling at Huck for going to school and getting an education he said "Don't give none o' your lip, You've put on considerable many frils since I been away. I'll take you down a peg before I get done with you. You're educated, too, they say; can read and write. You think you're better than your own father, now, don't you, because he can't? I'll take it out of you. Who told you you might meddle with such hifault'n foolishness, hey? - who told you you could?" (Chap. 14, Pg. 14, Last paragraph). What I got from this quote said by pap was that he was kind of jellous of Huck because pap can't read and here is his son going to school and learning to read and write. Pap is probably angry at the widow becasue he can't take care of his son and cloth him and all the things that the widow is doing so it's like he was expecting for Huck to be just like him when he gets older.
My thoughts on the quote from pap was that's kind of sad and ignorant how angry pap got at his son for trying to do something good for himself and be a better person by going to school. A parent isn't suposed to be angry at their kid because they have more oppertunities because that's the whole point, parents are suposed to do more for their kids that what their parents gave to them. But I guess that pap was just expecting Huck to be just like him and to grow up to do nothing with his life. But that's still not right. Pap should have never got so angry he should be happy becasue that's whats best for Huck and he should be proud. In relation to my life, one of my friends got a new job and he went to go tell his dad and his brothers about the new job and he was really excited for it and he went to go tell his dad but his dad really didnt care and basically told him he dosent care what happens and whatever he does so he was really disappointed about his fathers reaction.
What Mark Twain probably thinks about the quote is that its very relatable to him and his life can probably relate alot to the quote. Probably, because maybe his father wasn't really in his life when he was younger and maybe when he went to school or got that job at the Mississippi River, his father didn't care and was always jellous and angry with him. It probably describes Mark's relationship with his fater really well and describes the role his dad played in his life.

Jessica Rone
3rd Hour

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