Wednesday, November 7, 2007

+Response 2+

Huck is influenced by many people. The Widow Douglas has an influence on Huck because she was always taking care of him and giving him nice things. For example, when Huck came down the stairs, he accidentally had ruined his clothes and Huck says “…but the widow didn’t scold, but only cleaned off the grease and clay and looked sorry that I thought I would behave while I could. ((Pg. 8, Chapter 3, First Paragraph)) Pap has influenced Huck in a more negative way. His dad has an influence on him because Huck smokes just like his pap. “…and by and by I laid down in the canoe to smoke a pipe…” ((Pg. 25, Chapter 7, Paragraph 3)) Tom Sawyer has an affect on Huck because Huck talks about Tom being really adventurous and Tome would do this and Tom would do that. Huck says to himself- “Tom Sawyer wouldn’t beck out now, so I won’t either…” ((Pg.51, Chapter 12, 4th Paragraph)) Jim has a good influence on Huck. He watched out for Huck and protects him. Huck says “I begun to think how dreadful it was, even for murderers, to be in suck a fix says I to myself. There aint no telling but I might come to be a murderer myself, yet, and then how would I like it?” that shows that Huck is being more understanding and caring about other people, and I think that Jim has a lot to do with that.
Huck has some positive influences but I think the most positive is from Jim. He is showing Huck to be caring and is really taking care of him, For example, when Jim and Huck go in the house to raid it for things, they find a dead man and Jim says to Huck “Hold still- I’ll go and see… Come on Huck but don’t look at his face it’s too gashly.” ((Pg. 38, Chapter 5, Paragraph 4)) So he is protecting Huck and teaching him good things and he is a good example and I think that Huck will be the same to someone else.
I think the most negative influence on Huck is his father, Pap. Pap is angry that Huck goes to school and is doing good for himself. For example when Pap says “You’re educated too they say, can read and write. You think read and write. You think that you’re better than your father now, don’t you? Because he can’t. ((Pg. 14, Chapter
4, Last Paragraph.))

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